Course Content & Structure

In a typical week:

  • Friday lectures will focus on an Exoplanets topic.

  • Monday lectures will focus on a Data Science topic.

  • Wednesday computer labs will aim to combine the two.

There will be a short reading to be completed prior to class on most Mondays and Fridays. Students will continue working on the computer lab begun on Wednesday as homework, typically due prior to class the following Monday. Inevitably, there will be some deviations (e.g., getting started week, weeks with a holiday or exam, week of student presentations, etc.).

Schedule of Topics

WeekData ScienceExoplanets
1What is Data Science?Overview of Known Exoplanets
2Exploratory Data AnalysisTransits
3(Labor Day) Model BuildingTransit Timing
4Model AssessmentRadial Velocities
5Bayesian InferenceRossiter-MchLaughlin Effect
6Explanatory Data AnalysisMasses & Orbits
7Exam weekIntro to Class Projects
8Databases & Data WranglingExoplanet Populations
9Data Science WorkflowTransmission Spectroscopy
10Data StorageEmission Spectroscopy
11Data VisualizationMicrolensing
12Reports & DashboardsDisks
13Reproducible ResearchFuture of Exoplanet Detection
14(Thanksgiving Holiday)-
15RetrospectiveFuture of Exoplanet Characterization
16Student PresentationsStudent Presentations

The schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be announced via Canvas.

What is Data Science? & Overview of Exoplanets