
While attendance and participation in class is important to the class and your learning, it is more important that we all stay safe and healthy. Any student who does not feel well or who may be contagious must not attend class in Davey Lab. If you are in isolation or quarantine, then you can still earn full credit for reading questions and class participation by: submitting reading questions prior to a Monday or Friday class and engaging in Wednesday classes via Zoom. Students should make plans to get a classmate’s notes for any missed class sessions. Some of the Monday and Friday class sessions may be moved online, based on community conditions or if the instructor needs to quarantine or isolate.

All students must follow all COVID protocols required or recommended by the university. University policies and recommendations are likely to change during the semester. The most up-to-date information can be accessed at Even when the university is not requiring masking, students will be asked and encouraged to wear a high-quality mask (e.g., N95, KN95, KF94) while in the classroom, so as to reduce the risk of any class participants getting sick or needing to quarantine and to allow everyone to focus on the class, rather than being distracted by safety concerns.