Relation to Other Courses

Data Science represents the synthesis of knowledge and skills from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and an application domain, as well several supporting skills (e.g., workflows, visualization, data ethics, communications, teamwork). Even students majoring in Data Sciences at PSU will not take classes covering all the important Data Science topics! This class is designed to complement ASTRO 410, 415 and 451 (and classes beyond the Astronomy department, e.g. MATH 220 and DS 310), so as to provide astronomy majors an introduction to data science skills that are particularly relevant to astronomical research and can be readily applied to other disciplines.

Since this class does not presume ASTRO 410, 415 or 451 as a prerequisite, there will be some modest overlap (i.e., essentials to fit a model to data). While ASTRO 451 provides a broad overview of astronomical techniques, this class will go into more detail about methods for detecting and characterizing exoplanets. While ASTRO 415 will provide a more rigorous treatment of statistical foundations, this class will emphasize applying such techniques and developing a broader set of data science skills. While ASTRO 410 will teach students how to implement numerical methods common in astrophysics research, this class will apply numerical methods that have already been implemented for students. The instructor will point out connections to other courses where students could learn more about a topic.