Astro 497: Week 2, Friday

Exoplanet Detection: Transits



  • How was length of lab 2?

Overview of Today

  • Transit Method

  • Observables

  • Transit Probability

  • Transit Surveys

  • Multiple Transiting Planet Systems

  • Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Multiple Transiting Plantes

Transit Method

Credit: NASA

Normalized Flux versus time

$$\begin{equation} f(t) = 1 + k^2 \frac{I_p(t)}{I_\star} - \begin{cases} k^2 \alpha_{\rm tra}(t) & \text{transits,} \\ 0 & \text{outside eclipses,} \\ k^2 \frac{I_p(t)}{I_\star} \alpha_{\rm occ}(t) & \text{occultations.} \end{cases} \end{equation}$$

  • Disk-averaged intensity of the star: $I_\star$

  • Disk-averaged intensity of the planet: $I_p$

  • Planet-star radius ratio: $k = R_p/R_\star$

Keplerian Orbit

Motion in the Orbital plane:

$$r = \frac{a(1-e^2)}{1+e\cos f}$$

  • Star-planet sepration: $r$

  • Semimajor axis: $a$

  • Eccentricity: $e$

  • True anomaly: $f$

Orbit projected onto the sky

$$\begin{eqnarray} X & = & -r \cos(\omega+f), \\ Y & = & -r \sin(\omega+f)\cos i,\\ Z & = & r \sin(\omega+f)\sin i \end{eqnarray}$$

  • Inclination: $i$

  • Arguement of pericenter: $\omega$

  • Longitude of ascending node: $\Omega$ (arbitrarily set to $180\degree$)

When do transits occur?

$$X^2+Y^2 \le R_\star + R_p$$

$$f_{{\rm tra}} = +\frac{\pi}{2} - \omega$$

$$f_{{\rm occ}} = -\frac{\pi}{2} - \omega$$

Transit Observables

Credit: Joshua Winn (2010)

One transit

  • Transit Depth: $\delta$ (dimensionless)

  • Impact Parameter: $b$ (units of stellar radii)

  • Ingress Duration: $\tau$

  • Transit Durations:

    • Total duration: $t_{IV}-t_{I}$

    • Full-transit duration: $t_{III}-t_{II}$

    • Mathematically-convenient duration: $T$

    • Best-measured duration: $(t_1+t_2-t_3-t_4)/2$

Impact parameter

$$b = \frac{a \cos i}{R_\star} \left(\frac{1-e^2}{1 + e\sin\omega}\right)$$

Transit depth

$$\delta \approx \left(\frac{R_p}{R_\star}\right)^2~\left[1 - \frac{I_p(t_{\rm tra})}{I_\star}\right]$$

question(md"Does the light curve of a grazing transit also reveal the planet to star radius ratio, or are full transits needed)?")
Reading Question

Does the light curve of a grazing transit also reveal the planet to star radius ratio, or are full transits needed)?

Limb Darkening

Credit: Figure 3 of Knutson et al. (2007)

question(md"Is there a way to correct for stellar limb darkening in light curve data?
Reading Question

Is there a way to correct for stellar limb darkening in light curve data?

See Mandell & Agol (2002) and numerous implementations (e.g., from Eric Agol and Transits.jl)

Multiple Transits

  • Orbital period: $P$

  • Epoch of $n$th transit: $t_n$

  • Deviations from mean values

    • Transit Timing Variations (TTVs): $\delta t_i$

    • Transit Duration Variations (TDVs): $\delta T_i$

    • Transit Depth Variations (TdVs): $\delta d_i$

Transit Probability

Credit: Joshua Winn (2010)

$$p_{\rm tra} = \left(\frac{R_\star \pm R_p}{a}\right) \left(\frac{1 + e\sin\omega}{1 - e^2} \right)$$

If marginalize over $\omega$:

$$p_{\rm tra} = \left(\frac{R_\star \pm R_p}{a}\right) \left(\frac{1}{1 - e^2} \right)$$

For a small planet on a circular orbit:

$$p_{\rm tra} = \frac{R_\star}{a}~\approx 0.005~\left( \frac{R_\star}{R_{\odot}} \right) \left( \frac{a}{{\rm AU}} \right)^{-1}$$

Q: Could you please explain how to derive the transit and occupation probability equations, i.e. (9) and (10), from equations (7), (8)? Do we need the assumption that a >> R, where a is the orbital semi-major axis and R is star/planet radii?

Q: Is there a limit to how far out a planet can be from its star and we still detect it by transit?

Transit Surveys

Ground-based Transit Surveys

Early Surveys

Credit: Horne 2002

Notable ground-based transit surveys

Dozens of large planets:

Small number of small planets around nearby stars:

Credit: David Anderson (CC-BY-SA-3.0 license)

question(md"What is the concept behind combining the comparison stars then dividing it from the target star, will result with a flux measurement of the eclipse with as little noise as possible?")
Reading Question

What is the concept behind combining the comparison stars then dividing it from the target star, will result with a flux measurement of the eclipse with as little noise as possible?

Space-based Transit Surveys

  • CoRoT

  • Kepler/K2

  • TESS

  • Plato


Kepler/K2 spacecraft Credit: NASA


TESS Spacecraft Credit: NASA


Artist impression of PLATO Spacecraft Copyright: Copyright: ESA/ATG medialab

question(md"Is the photometric surveys(space-based) the most economical and efficient way now?")
Reading Question

Is the photometric surveys(space-based) the most economical and efficient way now?

All Exoplanets5084
Confirmed Planets Discovered by Kepler2708
Kepler Project Candidates Yet To Be Confirmed2056
Confirmed Planets Discovered by K2537
K2 Candidates Yet To Be Confirmed969
Confirmed Planets Discovered by TESS249
TESS Project Candidates Integrated into Archive5845
Current date TESS Project Candidates at ExoFOP5845
TESS Project Candidates Yet To Be Confirmed3899

Source: Exoplanet Archive 9/2/2022

question(md"What have space-based transit survey detected so far?")
Reading Question

What have space-based transit survey detected so far?

Credit: Lissauer et al. 2022, submitted to AAS Journals

question(md"What is the most important thing to take away from exoplanet transits and occultations?")
Reading Question

What is the most important thing to take away from exoplanet transits and occultations?

Stregnths & Weaknesses


  • Small telescope can do high-quality science

  • CCDs make relative photometry (relatively) easy

  • Can observe many stars at once

  • Not restricted to specific spectral types.

  • Transit signal-to-noise $\sim R_p/R_\star$

  • Transit probability high for short-period planets.


  • Transits only provide information about a planet during a very small fraction of it's orbit.

    • Scheduling observations of a full transit can be difficult .

    • If observing from the ground, then day light or weather can lead to missing a transit.

  • Transit probability decreases with increasing orbital separation

    • Most planets won't transit (as seen from Earth)

    • Unlikely that transits can be used to study any particular planet

  • Other astrophysical/atmospheric objects/effects cause similar photometric effects.

    • Follow-up observations are often needed to validate or confirm transiting planet candidates.

  • Need to observe for multiple orbital periods to measure period robustly.

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Reading Questions

question(md"""Can we use the same methods to discover exoplanets to discover moons of those exoplanets? 
Reading Question

Can we use the same methods to discover exoplanets to discover moons of those exoplanets?

question(md"""There are a lot of planets found with short periods from transiting (<10days) and a lot of these planets are Jupiter sized or larger. Is our solar system the odd one out and if we were at the closest star, is it possible that we could never find our planets using transiting considering Mercury has the shortest period of around 60 days?
Reading Question

There are a lot of planets found with short periods from transiting (<10days) and a lot of these planets are Jupiter sized or larger. Is our solar system the odd one out and if we were at the closest star, is it possible that we could never find our planets using transiting considering Mercury has the shortest period of around 60 days?

Multiple Transiting Planets


Kepler-11 Cartoon Credit: NASA/Tim Pyle


TRAPPIST-1 Light Curve Animation Credit: NASA

Helper Code

using PlutoUI, PlutoTeachingTools
question(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("tip", "Reading Question", [text]));

Built with Julia 1.8.2 and

PlutoTeachingTools 0.1.7
PlutoUI 0.7.39

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.