Putting the Pieces Together

Astro497, Week 15, Monday


  • Presentations

  • SRTEs

  • My course-specific survey (in Google)

  • Undergrad Town Hall: Wednesday, November 30th at 5 PM in Davey 541

Questions fom Last week


What are some of the "more sophisticated" ways to image mature planets and and why are they necessary?


Will the planet's spectrum suffer from the contamination of stellar light, stellar wind, or circumstellar materials? If so, how can astronomers eliminate such contamination?


Are coronagraphs just able to observe objects with very small [angular] separations or do they offer any other large scale benefits?

Looking back

Course Goals

  • Understand how astronomers detect and characterize extrasolar planetary systems,

  • Learn about the current state and future of exoplanet science,

  • Increase their data acumen[data_acumen], and

  • Appreciate how building data science skills can benefit astronomy & astrophysics research.


"We define data acumen as the ability to make good judgements about the use of data to support problem solutions." (Keller et al. 2020)

Course Objectives

  • Ingest and manipulate data from astronomical surveys.

  • Quantitatively describe the effects of exoplanets on astronomical observations.

  • Build, apply, assess and update astrophysically motivated models for astronomical observations.

  • Create visualizations for exploratory and explanatory data analyses of observations from exoplanet surveys.

  • Synthesize the above into a dashboard to support the efficient analysis of exoplanet observations while following principles of reproducible research.

What Data Science skills have we developed?

Data Science:

  • Data Acumen

  • Databases, queries & storage

  • Ingesting data & Data wrangling

  • Exploratory data analysis

  • Model building & assessment

  • Explanatory data analysis

  • Data visualization

  • Reproducible research

  • Scientific workflows

  • Technical collaboration (if teamed up for project)

  • Scientific communications

What Data Science skills have we skipped
(or only skimmed the surface of)?

  • Probability & Statistics

  • Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    • Non-parametric regression

    • Classification

    • Clustering

    • Density estimation

    • Anomaly detection

    • Image analysis

  • Computing

    • Data structures

    • Algorithms

    • Databases

    • Parallel computing

  • Applications

    • Hardware

    • Big Data frameworks

    • ML/AI tools

    • Software engineering

    • Deployment & operations

Looking forward

Foundational Classes to learn more about Data Sciences


  • Probability

    • Elementary Probability (STAT 318)

    • Probability Theory (STAT/MATH 414)

    • Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineering (STAT/MATH 418)

    • Astrostatistics (ASTRO 415)

  • Linear Algebra (MATH 220)


  • Intro to Programming (e.g., CMPSC 121, 122)

  • Data management/databases (DS 220, but one DS or CMPSC preqreq beyond CMPSC 122)

  • Programming Models for Big Data (DS/CMPSC 410, but several CMPSC prereqs)

  • Information Retrieval and Organization (e.g., IST 441, but several IST prereqs)

Machine Learning/AI

  • Machine Learning (DS 310; prereqs: (CMPSC 121 or CMPSC 131) and (STAT/MATH 318 or STAT/MATH 414 or STAT/MATH 418))

  • AI (e.g., DS/CMPSC 442, but several CMPSC prereqs)

Applied classes that connect to Data Sciences

  • Astrostatistics (ASTRO 415, Spring 2023)

  • Computational Astrophysics (ASTRO/PHYS 410, Spring 2023)

  • Astronomical Techniques? (ASTRO 451, Fall 2022)

  • Data Science Through Statistical Reasoning and Computation (STAT 380; but prereq STAT 184)

  • Visual Analytics for Data Sciences (DS 330; but prereq DS 220)

  • Research projects (e.g., ASTRO 496, summer project or thesis)

Project-based learning


  • Help to motivate why need to learn things

  • Emphasize practical problems


  • Forces you to work through implementation details

  • Risk learning specific tools, rather than underlying mathematics/algorithms

  • Specific tools used are very likely certainly become obsolete soon

Looking back at Exoplanets

  • Detection methods:

  • Characterization of individual planets/systems

  • Characterization of populations

  • Future prospects

Classes to learn more about exoplanets

  • Planets and Planetary System Formation (ASTRO 420W)

  • Stellar Structure and Evolution (ASTRO 414)

  • Research projects (e.g., ASTRO 496, summer project or thesis)

Plan for rest of week

Setup/Helper Code

(HTML{String}("\n"), HTML{String}("\n\n"))

Built with Julia 1.8.3 and

PlutoTeachingTools 0.2.5
PlutoUI 0.7.48

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.