Future of Exoplanet Detection

Astro 497, Week 13, Friday


TESS (extended missions ongoing)

  • Luanched 2018

  • 4x 105mm cameras

  • Field of view: 24°x24° (each camera)

  • Eccentric earth orbit


  • Launch scheduled 2026

  • 26x120mm cameras

  • Field of view: 2232 square degrees (combined)

  • L2 (Earth-Sun Lagrange point behind Earth)


  • Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

  • Launch scheduled by 2027

  • 2.4m Mirror

  • Wide-Field Instrument (WFI): 0.28 square degrees (that's big), 300.8 megapixels

  • (also includes a Coronagraphic Instrument (CGI): Goal $10^{-8}$ contrast and inner working angle of 0.15 arcsec, but demoted to technology demonstration)

–- Image Credit: NASA (interactive view)



  • Launched 2013

  • Single measurement astrometric precision ≈60 microarcseconds for the brightest stars

  • " With some plausible assumptions on planet occurrences, we find that some 21,000 (±6000) high-mass ($\sim~1-15M_J$) long-period planets should be discovered out to distances of ~500 pc for the nominal 5 yr mission (including at least 1000-1500 around M dwarfs out to 100 pc), rising to some 70,000 (±20, 000) for a 10 yr mission." – Perryman et al. 2014

Radial Velocities

New generation:

  • Optical:

    • ESPRESSO: VLT (8.2m), ~2016–present

    • EXPRES: DCT (4.3m): ~2020–present

    • NEID: WIYN (3.5m): ~2021–present

    • KPF: Keck (10m): 2022 (last week)–present (concept started in 2014)

  • IR:

    • CARMENES (3.5m): 2016–present

    • HPF (10m*): ~2018–present

    • MAROON-X (8m.1): ~2019–present

  • Substantial improvements in instrumental stability and calibration relative to first generation of RV-hunting spectrographs.

  • Intrinsic stellar variability currently limits the detectability of low-mass planets for most stars

Another generation of spectrographs will be needed to reach an Earth-twin ($1 M_\oplus$, 1 AU, $1 M_\odot$ host → $K = 9$ cm/s $\times \sin i$). Next generation:

–- Credit: Sam Halverson

–- Credit: Morgan et al. 2021 submitted/Crass et al. 2021

Direct Imaging


Have any hot Jupiters been imaged?


What is the best waveband to spot exoplanets?


How often will James Webb be used to image exoplanets?

Check out approved JWST observing programs.

  • All exoplanet & disks programs: 1403.6 hours out of 4,896.3 hours ≃ 28.6%

  • Looks like ~6 GO Cycle 1 programs aim for direct imaging of planets.

Future Direct Imaging Misson Concepts:

Decadal Survey Inputs:

  • HabEx (4m)

  • LUVOIR (8m and 15m options)

Decadal Survey Recommendation:


What types of star are better for direct imaging of their planets?

–- Credit: HabEx Final Report

–- Credit: Morgan et al. 2021 submitted/Crass et al. 2021

Projected Yield of Proposed EPRV Survey

–- Credit: Luhn et al. 2022

–- Credit: Luhn et al. 2022


What are some of the "more sophisticated" ways to image mature planets and and why are they necessary?


Will the planet's spectrum suffer from the contamination of stellar light, stellar wind, or circumstellar materials? If so, how can astronomers eliminate such contamination?


Are coronagraphs just able to observe objects with very small [angular] separations or do they offer any other large scale benefits?

Future of Exoplanet Characterization

Radial Velocities


Transit/Occultation Spectroscopy



  • Luanch scheduled 2029

  • 1.1 x 0.7 meter primary

Setup/Helper Code


Built with Julia 1.8.3 and

PlutoTeachingTools 0.2.5
PlutoUI 0.7.48
ShortCodes 0.3.3

To run this tutorial locally, download this file and open it with Pluto.jl.