Disk Imaging

Astro 497, Week 12, Friday

Acknowledgement to Prof. Ian Czekala's Astro 542 and Astro 589.

Types of Disks

  • Protostellar

    • Circumstellar

    • Circumbinary

  • Protoplanetary

    • Gas/Primary

    • Dusk/Debris

Protostellar cores collapsing to form stars

When the core becomes gravitationally unstable, it will begin to collapse.

The free-fall timescale is

$$\tau = \sqrt{\frac{3 \pi}{32 G \rho}}$$

Optically thick, so can't see into what's happening at this phase.

 	G = 6.6743e-8 # cm^3 g^-1 s
    ρ_sol  = 1.41
    sec_in_day = 24*60*60
    days_in_year = 365.2425
    τ = sqrt(3π/(32*G*ρ_sol)) / sec_in_day
    r = 10.0.^(-2:0.25:2)
    r_sol = 0.005
    plot(r, τ.*(r./r_sol).^3 ./days_in_year, 
        xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, legend=:none)
    xlabel!("r (AU)")
    ylabel!("τ (Years)")

Protostar classes

Protostellar systems (protostars and their disks) are conventionally divided into four different classes based on the overall shape of their infrared spectrum, characterized by their spectral index

$$\alpha \equiv \frac{d \log(\lambda F_\lambda)}{d \log \lambda}.$$


$$\nu F_\nu \propto \nu^{-\alpha}.$$

Observationally, this is usually calculated using observations done at 2.2 microns (K-band) and 10 microns (N-band), which are observable from the ground.

Schematic overview of the different stages of low-mass star formation (left) and the observational classification based on the spectral energy distribution (right). Credit: Merel van’t Hoff, Ph.D. thesis.

  • Planets can be recognized by their sculpting of Stage III protoplanetary disks.


How does the type of star affect the characteristics of the protoplanetary disk?

  • More massive stars have more massive protoplanetary disks (initially).

  • Eventually, the disk disperses

  • Age of star/disk is most important parameter.


Are certain disk classes more common than others?

  • Every star passes through each stage

  • Observed occurence rate tells us about how long a star spends in each stage.

  • Entire process

  • Until large mid-IR surveys, Stage 0 were rare because most emission in mid-IR

  • Stage I disks are rare because they collapse quickly

  • Stage II disks are relatively common.

  • Stage III stage can last millions of years, but they are are rarely detected because they are hard to detect disks when they have low mass mass

  • Transitional disks (with both gas and dust) are particularly valuable, but also rare because gas is rapidly dispersing as dust emerges.

question_box(md"Is there a limit to how long a protoplanetary disc can last, and what might happen to it after its lifetime has come to an end?")

Is there a limit to how long a protoplanetary disc can last, and what might happen to it after its lifetime has come to an end?

–- Credit: Mamajek 2009 Lincense: CC BY-SA 3.0

question_box(md"When measuring a disk mass, are we able to tell how wide the disk is from out perspective or are we assuming the volume to be a chosen value?")

When measuring a disk mass, are we able to tell how wide the disk is from out perspective or are we assuming the volume to be a chosen value?

Infrared Excesses

  • Most systems are so far away that don't resolve disks

  • Measuring excess emission in IR (relative to model for star) provides evidence for disks and estimates of their mass.

  • The closest stars with infrared excesses make great targets for disk imaging.

Disk observations as a function of wavelength

Optical (and some NIR) observations

  • Optically thick:

    • Disk blocks starlight/other parts of disk

    • Requires detailed modeling

  • Optically thin:

    • See light scattered by grains

  • Atmosphere makes detecting faint disks close to star difficult

  • Hubble Space Telescope best source of good disk images in optical

IR observations

  • See thermal emission (plus molecular transitions)

  • Often measure IR excess, but too far away to resolve disk.

  • Lower spatial resolution for given size observatory due to diffraction limit

  • Ground-based observatories have larger aperture than HST

  • Adaptive optics starts to become effective in near-IR

  • Great images of nearby diks from Ground-based observatories with sophisticated AO systems

  • Disks are particularly challenging due to high contrast ratio.

Sub-mm & Radio observations

  • See thermal emission from dust

  • See molecular transitions (especially rotation)

  • Hyperfine splitting (e.g., 21 cm)

  • Single disk observations have low resolution due to long wavelength

  • Interferometry becomes practical in sub-mm and allows for even better resolution


The Atacama Large (Sub)millimeter Array, an interferometric array of 66 antennas operating at sub-millimeter wavelengths. The largest antennas in the array are only 12m in diameter, yet through interferometry, the array is able to obtain far higher spatial resolution than the largest single-dish antennas. Credit: NRAO/ESO/NAOJ/JAO

The protoplanetary disk around HL Tau, imaged using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array. Credit: ALMA(ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); C. Brogan, B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF)

Key Questions about a Disk:

  • Optically thin or thick?

  • How old is disk?

  • What process is depleting disk?

  • Is disk being replenished?

Key Questions about an observation?

  • What wavelength?

  • What size particles are we seeing?

Reading Questions

question_box(md"How is the mass outflow of a protoplanetary disk measured?")

How is the mass outflow of a protoplanetary disk measured?

Measuring Mass from Optically Thin Disk

  • Emission proportional to surface area of scatterers

  • Estimate equilibrium temperature based on host star temperature & distance

  • Surface area to mass ratio depense on size distribution

  • Model size distribution as collisional cascade

  • Infer mass of scatterers via mass absorption coefficient ($\kappa$)

  • Omits mass in gas (& much smaller grains)


    using PlutoUI, PlutoTeachingTools
    using Plots

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