Week 1

What is Data Science? & Overview of Exoplanets

Class Logistics

  • Request an account on Roar by end of Monday

  • Read syllabus (any time during the first week is fine)

  • Sign up for TopHat (see instructions) by Thursday (if you have not already signed up for another course). You do not have to enter a mobile phone number, credit card number or pay anything. You can stop once your account is setup and not continue reading once you reach the Attendance section.)

What is Data Science?

Lab 1: Getting Started with Tools

  • Read Think Julia: Ch 1 "The Way of the Program" (after you've started on the lab is ok)

  • Optionally read Julia Data Science: Ch 2.2-2.3, 3-3.2, 3.3-3.5, 4-4.2 (if/when it would be helpful for you)

Overview of Exoplanets

  • Read Exoplanets: Introduction to Exoplanets: Sec. 1-6.2

  • Submit reading question before Friday's class.

  • Notebook from class