Lab 2: Exploratory Data Analysis


Start Aug 31 –- Due Sept 6


In this lab, students will learn to:

  • Download data from a url

  • Read data from a deliminted file into a DataFrame

  • Validate that the data was read in correctly

  • Describe the basic properties of a dataset

  • Make basic plots (histogram, density estimate, scatter plot)

  • Peform exploratory data analysis

  • Dissaggregate data by a categorical variable

  • Recognize the potential impact of missing data and selection effects

Students will strengthen their understanding of the:

  • Rate of exoplanet discoveries

  • Observed distributions of exoplanet mass, orbital period and eccentricity

  • Relationships between these properties


Follow this link to create your own private copy of this lab's repository on See the help on the course website for instructions on getting setup to use ACI, cloning, committing, pushing and submitting your work.
